Pastor Keith Skelton


Keith and Barbara Skelton had the awesome privilege and unspeakable joy of serving The LORD Jesus Christ together in His Church for over fifty years.  Both were born and raised in the UK and came to Christ as young people.  They have three grown children of their own who are all serving the LORD where God has placed them.

Keith's father was an outstanding Pastor and preacher, his mother a real prayer warrior.  Two of their three sons were called to the ministry and privileged to walk in thier father's footsteps.

Keith and Barbara's Christian service has been one of rich diversity in Pastoral Ministry, Bible Teaching, Lecturing, Evangelistic Preaching, Church Planting and Missionary Enterprise.  One of Keith's great interests was Bible Prophecy and he had the privillege of serving as vice president and president of the Prophetic Witness Movement International, which has close links with Dallas Theological Seminary.

In his latter years Keith served at The Open Door Church in Chambersburg, Pa. from 1996-2004 where he was the Senior Pastor, President of Cumberland Valley Christian School, President of the Open Bible Institue and featured teacher on "The Bible Speaks" Radio and Television programs.  Throughout their ministry Barbara was wholly involved in the church programs and in the establishing of various ministries among women including Bible Studies, Widows Ministry and Prayer groups etc.

In 2004 the Skeltons returned to the UK on account of serious health problems Keith was experiencing.  Throughout that very trying period God was most gracious and for a season restored Keith to such a degree that he was able to accept and respond to the many calls for ministry.

Now in Glory, we rejoice in God's goodness to our family and are grateful for the Godly heritage that Dad was able to pass on to his family and countless others.  

Dad you are and forever will be, my hero for letting me see and know Jesus in and through your life.  Although you are gone from this life you will never be forgotten pops.  It's not good-bye but rather I'll see you in the morning.  I pray I am half the Christian, Pastor, Preacher, Father, Friend and Husband that you were!  

Love you now and for eternity
