The Good News of Jesus Christ

God so loved the world that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for it  John 3:16

Jesus is the only way to God The Father John 14:6

Eternal life is only found in and through His Son Jesus 1 John 5:11

All men are born sinners and have fallen short of God's glory and perfection Romans 3:23

The wages for our sins is death Romans 6:23

Those who refuse Jesus as Savior will be condemned because of their unbelief  John 3:18

Everyone faces death and then a day of judgment Hebrews 9:27

Everyone who truly calls on the Name of The Lord will be saved  Romans 10:13

Jesus's mission was to seek and save those who were lost Luke 19:10

Genuine Salvation makes you a brand new creation  2 Corinthians 5:17

Believers are transformed by The empowering and indwelling Holy Spirit Acts 1:8

God brings contentment, satiation and satisfaction Hebrews 13:5

Salvation is assured by the sealing work of The Holy Spirit  Ephesians 1:13-14

Good works are not the root of true Salvation but they are the fruit  James 2:14-26 

The sufferings believers face is nothing compared to the future glory Romans 8:18

The New Jerusalem is a believer's final destination Revelation 21:1-7

If you would like some more information about becoming a Christian and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of your life, please let us know via email.  It would be our absolute joy and honor to counsel with you and answer any questions that you may have. 

We would be delighted to send you a free New Testament Bible specifically designed for people who are searching for the truth or have just recently accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.  If you would like a copy you can also let us know through email. Just remember to leave your name and address.